Im sorry, its been ages since Ive made a post here.
School works stacking up (well not really =p), Orientation of the new BE students is coming and we Student Councils have to prepare activities for he freshies, I need to find tutors for mmy subjects and finally BGIC!!!
owh, If your reading this post and your in BGIC.
Leave me a comment my ISB page so I can add you up =]
Here's the URL
and Im the delegate of the

Aneway, this post is just about my outing with kawan2. YAY.
Before that,
Because he has millions of CREDIT but he does not reply my messages.
Ku bawa jalan and replynya "Owh liatlah krg ..."
Honestly, how dyu live boy? Ur in pendalaman Kampong Putat and u hardly go out. Be kebun kau kah? Menjaga ladangmu? Apatah? Sihat tah pohon Pisangmu?
*takes a deep breath.
Honestly, idk how some people live. In this modern age, you gotta have a social life, a HEALTHY one. Ane bawa futsal inda mahu, melihat wayang inda mahu.
and owh whatever, but I'll forgive you because atleast you came last time to the badminton outing.
Instead of typically going to Gadong and beating people at CS which Im already bored of, I mean I dont even play serious and I still win, ON SUNDAYS.
HAHAHA. Thats what u call 'ARROGANCE'
I planned to go play Badminton and PES with a few of my old SOAS mates =]
I thought of alot of people but sorry to those I didnt call up but I only brought dudes that 'Bad' and PES.
Well the plan was to -
Jumpa at Sg.Kebun with Hujai, Hujai IKA and Gayry while Tamin kerumahku dulu.
Yeap, there lies infront of thou, the Dumbass of January.
I havent met Jimbo for a year and gila, for his standards, he's changed a lot.
His hair is longer now, well in this pic, ryte now ia botak dah. HAHA.
He's more open minded and perverted which shows his MANHOOD =P
Okay apakan.
Moving on -
SGK Complex was used so we,
HUJAI, HUJAI IKA, GAYRY, JIMBO and Thyself took a boat to BSB and walked to PUSAT BELIA.
Guess what, PUSAT BELIA tutup at that time.
=.=" In the end, only one choice.
Haruns Gym's horrible stupid Badminton Court.
we saw FAF, yes FAF, alone and undressed!
HAHAHA. Oh man, I wish I could see the DUMBASS reflections on your faces ryte now =p
We my shortcut to Haruns Gym from PSB and this included walking through the PGGMB building. On the way I saw this PIPE with a FAF writtenn on it. Hey I never said FAF was human now did I =p
Owh I brought a ball just to kill boredom.
I remembered FAF (the REAL one) Laughingg ROARly when I told her 'AKU KMALL WITH A RACKET'. I WAS with a racket and the racket was in a bag =p Ane barutah tah FAF, holding a racket=p
Hujai walking and holding a racket to show he is the NEXT LEE CHONG WEI =p After all, Hujai is Malaysian.
Playing Foosball otw to Haruns. Yeah thats my shortcut, its faster and protects u from the raging intense heat of the sun.
Why I condemn Badminton at Haruns was because, they have raised the fee from $5 to $10 an hour for playing Badminton and plus if your facing the 'big court', theres a open area there for the some light to disrupt your vision. Plus the wooden court is very ancient.
Very much the opposite of PSB.
Nevertheless, we marched on through the craps and turds.
The first match was between
Jimbo and Hujai IKA VS Hujai and Gayry.
Jimbo looks fresher and fitter this time and I actually thought, he mustve improve alot these few days. Plus, he was alongside IKA who is arguably one of the best between each of us =p Okay Im better lah =p HAHA.
Gayry was fresh from the oven. So, I thought it would be an easy win for the Tamins and IKAs.
My thoughts were answered as Jimbo won the first serve. Gayry the Newbie, with the
look on his face.
HAHA wth.
That was the only glistening part for Jimbo because after that, hancur yo=p
HAHA wth.
That was the only glistening part for Jimbo because after that, hancur yo=p
He is the person I knnow, who plays badminton with that stance and posture.
Look at the Spanish bastard, standing with his hands on his hips. Yeap thats he's 'COOL' style of play =p
Im kidding lah readers, he's not bad, he's a got a strong backhand and smashes are swift and sudden but he just loses the easy balls.
But Jimbo was drying up and Hujai singled handedly starts to win the match. Gayry was just a spectator =p
Defeat of the Jimbo and IKA.
Haha, actually IKA bukan EMO pasal Kalah. He was crazy laughing pasal cara si Jimbo main =p
This is why I love playing with these dumbasses =]
We got Jimbo and his COOL style of play
Hujai and his celebrations
Hujai IKA who LOVES LOVES to cheat and play dirty! HAHA.
Gayry loves to show of his armpits =p
Can u see it? If youre playing at where Jimbo and Ika are, its hard to see those high balls since theres some light passing through the roof.
Hujai with his short annoying serves =p
Jimbo with his predictable serves =/
I love this picture =D Everyones looking up! HAHA xD
Then habisssssss.
Owh here's a little bit of Gayry striptease =p
Apakan. Besar tahi lalatmu atu Gary =p
Soon after, IKA went home pasal dia letih, actually ia baru balik keraja at 6am and ya tarus ikut us main badminton which explains the lethargicness he was in.
He's a great athletic and funny guy and he's really good in art. But now it seems he's settle down and loves his job. You can find him in BSB working at De Royale kah? The 24 hour cafe beside Coffee Bean.
Miss you brother IKA =D
Bought our nasi Katok MAMAs which I missed and craved =D
naik perahu and dad sent us home.
Pastu kiteorang makan, den I nyanyi Karoeke kejap lar, tapiii mereke ne malu arr, hang suruh nyanyi tak mahu pulak.
and finally, PES!
Karoeke is downstairs in the living room. This is our entertainment room, for Astro, PES and other games.
We thought of playing saja but Gayry opted to have a mini league.
Like in REAL PES tournaments, we can choose ANY teams. But these guys BAIEly said ...
Pilih team that you support lah.
Dont get me wrong, I love Newcastle United, Owen and Martins are great and break through the flanks easily, Alan Smith is a great finisher and Duff and Guttierez gives flair to the midfield.
But just like in real life, Newcastle have a mediocre defense =.="
Yea yea ul say, excuses lah, fact is,
Hujai Chelsea
Gayry Man united
Jimbo Liverpool
Smiling because he knows his Chelsea's gonna win.
and soo he baiely does =.="
1. Chelsea WWW
2. Newcastle United LDW
3. Liverpool WLL
4. Manchester United LDL
WDL is self explanatory yes?
Owh tapi gila the draw between me and Gayry, 4-4 wah!
Ia comeback ah baie =p from 4-2 down to 4-4 at the very last minute =.="
That trophy is actually my cheap trophy from Bentuk Rebung Keusahawanan in 2006. HAHA. Hujai has one too!
HAHA. udah atu =p
Then we had a cup tie, this was boring though, they want average countries only.
Thyself Nigeria, the team with fastest players on Earth.
Jimbo Egypt, reigning African Champions.
Hujai South Korea, arguably Asia's best team.
Gayry Thailand, arguably South East Asia's best team after Singapore.
Jimboooo getting aroused while playing PES =p
Hujai's South Korea was losing to my Nigeria and in desperation, he even used his specs =P
As u can see here, sweat building on his forehead as his expression fades dim as South Korea bows out of the cup.
Thailand obviously had NO CHANCE!
Before Hamba berlawan dengan Jimbo.
My mum fried something special for us. Incase u didnt know,
Jimbo and I go a long way back to our craps at SOAS and before that at PGGMB Sungai Akar. To calculate it, thats 10 years already we've known eac other and we he often comes over and vice versa.
However, when O level results came out, this boy was like gone and extinct. My mum knows its been awhile since Jimbo and Gayry came to my house so yeah =]
This and a huge jug of Bandung which I know my mum only makes on Hari Raya.
So we had a break and Im glad these three can make it.
Honestly, this is quite an emotional post to write about. Dont get me wrong, theres no GAY love here u DUMBASS.
5 years ago, all of us were in d same school and same class, 1A and 2A.
Slowly, we drifted apart, I was in 3b and Jimbo 3C, Hujai and Gary remained in 3A. This soon went on but strangely enough, Hujai and became closer friends because of this.
Then after O levels, we each parted ways. Hujai was coerced to study in Labuan because of his IC, Jimbo didnt get enough O's for MD. Now, Gayry was in Maktab Duli while I transferred to Katok Sixth Form Centre.
Point is, each one of us are in our own paths now. We sat there eating and just started reminiscing about the old days -
where I whipped Hujais eye with a handkerchief and he chased out to the football field,
where the 3A guys made the ANTI-GARY thing,
Jimbo and myselfs boring time at PGGMB Sungai Akar
and ABOUT all those pretty teachers that we 'used to' have the HAWTS for at SOAS =D
Yknow, the days where life was still a fairy tale. Where all the big decisions were not in our hands and life was just - EASY.
But this is growing up, being mature and we cant slow time now can we.
Aneways, I was crappy full and Jimbo here took advantage of this and Egypt won =.="
Congrats Jimbo =p
HAHA. No I am not wearing PINK =p
BAJU SUNBURST YOUTH CAMP wah tu, I know its pink but I'd still proudly wear that shirt because of the sweet memories of SYC =]
and yea I only know how to use paint =.="
Aneways, time crapp past us, we finished our craps and games and soon it was time to go.

The card.
Dad sent us to SGK. We brothers from different mothers, different fathers, different races, different nationalities, different houses ... =p Hugged, Slapped and Roared and gdbyes =]
As Hujai and GAYRY took a boat back to BSB and Jimbo got picked up by his parents.
I went home after another eventful Sunday afternoon and just DOTA'd =D
Yes, I think its useless and time consuming but unfortunately, Ive fallen for it.
But arent we humans typical, we love to do things that dont benefit us.
Thats its. BYE BYE =p
Last last last Friday, I actually went to the dentist cause my tooth sakit and I was worried.
The card.
The dentist said my teeth was fine so he just opted to polish my teeth.
Hold on, have u ever felt, when everything was gloomy and dull and you go EMO and suddenly, one moment or someone makes u launch off like a rocket?
Well, while polishing my teeth, the nurse and dentist we busy talking about CNY.
Suddenly, the nurse said," He has a nice set of teeth ah this boy ".
Dentist replied," Yes, he has a PERFECT set of teeth, Im so jealous "
I laughed =p
Then after that, he said," U dont have to come to the dentist every six months, I think yearly will be good because ur teeth are in good conditions."
This was shocking with the fact that my teeth are yellow like the Simpsons.
He even said my teeth would be great for the medical world.
His quote that shined my day
"Im so jealous man, I wished I had teeth like yours".
Ever felt something like that before? Not teeth lah, I mean the feeling =p
HAHA. well aneways, hopefully I can update atleast once a week =]
Hate me~ Love me~ pffft~
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