Aku jugak yang mengUPDATE ini.
Nvm. If u dont know what to blog about, blog about ME=p
or her ...

Hayley Williams, lead singer of Paramore.
Months ago, well more specifically, last year, 20th September,
at Maktab SOAS, class M5sc2,
Azeem Kassim and Khairil Akhbar
Khairil was talking about how
Paramore wasss tapi aku ~~~
Pffft. oh please, kids songs, I only hear 30seconds to Mars and MCR.
Then WHEN I saw her ...
It was like GOD handing down a treasure from the heavens.
A Stunning, Captivating, Heart-stopping Beautiful Maiden who ROCKS! =p

Redhead ROARS!=p
Okay, wathell, the date and crap was not specific. I only ingat that Khairil recommended me Paramore.
and gilaa, after hearing Brighter, I got more of Paramore's songs and CRAP.
Semua lawa yooo! Well the RIOT album was the BOMB lah!
Alamak, how can u not have the album one lo? Really good lah u know.

Im attracted to REDHEADS. But then Hayley's not a pure redhead, then again, she's not only CUTE, shes got a great voice.
Her tone, the high pitch she can reach, eyhhh damnnn.
The point is she ROARS! haha =p and we're gonna get MARRIED=p
Aneways, atleast Im blogging about something unlike those other HEROES
who only use the INTERNET for PORN-TERTAINMENT.
Raihan is excluded because anak Pehin cannot watch PORN.
Well aneways, Hayley Williams was just an intro, this post aint going to be much but atleast ADA GAMBAR KU.
I know u readers like that *winks =p HAHA joke!
This New Year's Eve celebration was a little bit ...
Well me Abang wasnt in tha country so me parents were vary unsure whether to carry on the BBQ at home saja, besides my sister mau celebrate sama her friends d Empire. In the end, me sister invited her friends ovar and I use me phone to some of me friends at the very last minute because the BBQ was ON!
Owh and KABOOM!
We save our bedil RAYA for New Year =] So well I thought it was going to be a boring night sama family saja then Huzai suddenly datang kerumahku!
Soooo it was SIOK man! It wouldve been great if ramai lagi instead of just us two but then beating him at PES and us singing karoeking from 9pm to 12 was SERONOK!
We took out the badil and iit was shaped like a man's KEMALUAN only with more curves on it=p hahaha.
There was 12 of it I think and then ...
Supaya fair, I said," Eyh atu, bagi2 lah, sorang2 atleast ada satu ".
Then my dad, sister and Huzai started laughing.
=.=" HAHA. Shoot, sorry lupa amil gambar the pic of those 'BEDILS' ahha=p
See here, everyone looking at me =p
and I mean everyone =p
Well what happen was, u put the bedil inside the tube thing and then light the wire and
psssssssssssssssssssst ... tssssssshttt pateeeeng
The dick like bedil had three curves because it had three balls
So it 'PATEEEEENG' up and POW three times.
My sister's friend and I decided to light up two bedils at the same time cause there were two tubes. And with my Merlion $3 Lighter, I lighted my bedill.
Then ... Bedil kawan kakaku when up POW-ing three times.
hahahaha. Shit... the Bedil I put inside the tube was UPSIDE down wah yatah ahha =p
Gila awal tahun dah ada butt threatening scare =p
Hope thats aint a bbad omen of 2009. Please no xD
The women cut the New Year cake. Grrr... the white was a Patisserie cake and other homemade cheesecake.
The Patisserie was typical, sweet but not to sweet and not oily and the sponge was SOFT like Hayley Williams cheeks=p
HAHA. wth =p joke.
But seriously, once u eat cakes like this, inda ku biasa lagi makan cake yang oily mahnnn. Owh and the 'cheesecake' was SWEEEEEEEEEET.
Imagine nah,
Tim Tam biscuits di bawah, topped with the mixture of cheese and oreo and then milo sprinkled on top if it.
ROAR! dont worry, aku control dah diet ku masa ani=p

Mother Fauzana, Sister Amelia, Sister 'Kay' and Sister 'Mimi'
Mother Fauzana, Sister Amelia, Sister 'Kay' and Sister 'Mimi'
We thank thy lord for this gracious meal and apakan.
I mean lawa, atu makanan atas the table atu decoration saja tu=p
No seriously, the foods nyaman lah, batah inda BBQ, theres nothing better than homecook BBQ=] especially with your family =D
Only the lamb was dissapointing ... rupanya mutton =/
Enak banget =] Dont worry I ate it for you =p
KENYANG udah?=p
Shes related to Dayangku Masrini binti Pg. Mursidi =ppp
and this new worker, u SOAS guys had to see!
Well wadyu think?? No crappy bulb belampung in your empty head?
HAHA. Well, of course, your dumbasses SOAS-ians=p
I'll get back to you later so u can guess like who he looks like =p
Huzai!!! =D Thanks for coming mahn and thanks to your father Mr. Rani for sending you, kalau inda nada orang kan ku kalahkan PES! =p
HAHAA=P hope u READ this=p
owh yeah thats my new soldier hair look.
Pak Edi's son (Pak Edi's our tukang kebun) and Cikgu .. I mean Subur =p
haha joke =p U ROAR Hayley=]
Bah bah nah, liat this picture banar2.
If this doesnt look familiar at all, then you myte as well be DUMBASS of the month. =p
He is exactly the same SIZE as Cikgu Rashidi and has a misai and smiles just like Cikgu Rashidi of Chemistry SOAS! =D
haha bh thats it, my dad sibuk bKAROEKE yatah tak banyak pics =/
Then we head off to Indonesia.
Sekajap saja.
This is Taman Anggerek, its one of the big malls in Jakarta and duiii ane pun besar udah yoooo! Mom n Dad.
Adeeeeeh, you guys look young hantap here =p mana Uban kita pa ?=p haha. JOKE! ily=P
Relax they dont read my blog xD
No no no, I had Diarrhoea while I was in Indonesia yatah gilaa yknow how your body reacts so fast to a little drop in temperature when u wanna drop the load.
My dad brought us to Mangga Dua the day before yatah arah Mangga Dua atu murah barangnya and ramai hantap and ... so for security I tried to look as typical INDONESIAN as I can.
okaylah, I mean if you wanna get cheap stuff so I thought tempat kami aga ane sama. Dad kata,"Macam Hua Ho ne sikit".
Sikitttt banaaaaa!
I was dressed like a guy going to Pasar inside Taman Anggerek which branded crap EVERYWHERE! It has Marks and Spencer so understand the quality.
Seriously, siok shopping sana. Ganya paluiii, MAHAL wja eyh. First time, I had trouble shopping there, biasanya everything was cheappp xD and crap ... In the end I bought a formal longsleeve shirt which cost 429,000 and $1 Brunei is = Rp.7000.
Awalnya I thought okaylah, sekali sekala beli mahal lepas atu =.="
The shirt was what around $61 kah? haha. ROAR!
One of the CLEANEST places there since there aint lotsa CLEAN=D
You know, sometimes there comes a time when parents are just plainly ANNOYING.
okay maybe NOT SOMETIMES=P
Ayah was talking a picture of me from his cable car ... Why cant he take a clearer A CLEARER picture of us in the cable car =.="
Nvm. Esuk tah lagi ke Indon=p
But this park seriously impressed me. Yatah dulu I thought Jerudong park back in its golden days atu sudah WOW. Rupanya, Indonesia rocks more =p
If u take GEO and ur still clueless then baik minta ajar olehku=p
hahaha." Yes, Hayley?!"
Hayley answers," Oh please, its Indonesia in the form of mini islands lah, this is too easy say-ang(american accent) ".
HAHAHA. Bah bah baik tah ku adang=p
Just like the the 'THE WORLD' islands in Dubai, this is the same thing.
Only - and CHEAPER.
Indonesia has a national saying and that goes like,
"Newcastle United is going to win the league and Azeem rocks!"
Well only some say that, Ayman Vami who is studying in Maktab Duli believes in this teaching. Some (very little) Indonesians are believe the saying of
this is because from all over the other islands of Sulawesi, Iran Jaya, Sumatera, Riau Islands, Kalimantan and more archipelagos of Island, all converge to Jakarta.
He looks like a rapper heh, Snoopy Doggy Doggy wath?=p
Tangan dapat ku lawan udah, six packs saja lagi next =p ahah.
Hey DADDYEH! Ngapain kita?
"Gue bisa SMS gratis, kita bisa?"
Okay its 1209. IM sapos to be watching MAN U vs CHELSEA.
Crap mudahan saja Bosingwa hatrick and Cech cleansheet!
haha ROAR!!!
sorry this is a totally RANDOM post but hey, U love randomness=D
Khairul Hamidi 'DOOD'
U know the password sudah, go post post POST!!!
Hate me~ Love me~ Pffft~
Katok or MD? =/
Done by Abdul Azim bin Haji Abdul Kassim
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