It has been a while. Oh yes, a while.
It's unbelievable that sedangkan cuti panjang dari November up until now, I havent blogged at all.
And it aint just me. The only surviving blogger I see is
and well done to them (3) for being active.
Unlike us (7 ... or 6) haha I dont even remember!
I wasnt even sure if I should blog here or at my old ANCIENT blog
But we'll see, if these other Heroes want too continue with this blog, its fine by me, tapi if not, its aryte.
Nothing lasts forever in life :')
ANEWAY, seriously,
let me stress that again
A WHOLE BLOODY LOT OF EVENTS has happen since I last posted.
Most recently and arguably, our family's most celebrated and roaring event yet.
yeah its my sister's wedding :)
and after having our family meeting, it was decided that Abang and I would be managing the wedding sign posts and more importantly, the entertainment.
Since we know karoeke wont be enough and gambuses are not our thing, we decided on performing as a
live band :D
Yeah Yeah!
Furthermore, I actually thought it was gonna be
Abang's 4th August.
But we ended up, for the first time ever in our family,
a cousins band :D
So enough said,
Introduction time!
Photoshoots by Mijah and Adib
Venue: Abang's Room.
With only ONE week of practice to Kaka's wedding, it really was rush hour.
SI JUUUL :D (facebook name Alai Bum Bum :p)

Apart from maybe Dato Jemat Ampal of KKBS, ketua kampong Lumapas and Stampy my sexy black cat.
I, honestly, do not know a much more POPULAR man in Kampong Lumapas than him.
Him ane si Juuul lah.
Dumbass eh readers ku ane.
Revise wah, tapi jangan jwa luan banyak revise, jadi si Hamid Majid karang.
Eh si Hamid handal main futsal kali ah.
He's been in the music industry for more than 10 years now and he really has a plenty of experience performing in RTB and festivals.
He can sing well but his main strength is
His hands are magical, his strums are phenomenal and it really is a wonder to meet such a talented bass guitar player like him =]
And its probably his happy aura that brings us all together.
I know its cheesy but its true!
He's the ice breaker! :D No pun intended.
and Oh, he sang
Bunyi Gitar - P. Ramlee :D
Moving on ...
Si Adib :D Our DRUMMER!

Nope, bukan Adib Gay SOAS, this a 101% confirmed straight dude :p
Dont be fooled, ya bukan tidor, he's trying to play with his eyes closed.
Just like Juuul, Adib is certainly talented. I mean that for real!
Abang literally played a
The snare drum intro, Adib just heard it and
pra tak tak thum!
and the way he knows the keys and chords of songs just by hearing them in a instant is truly amazing to me.
Awu, I am a sakai Tyger =p
Throughout the whole week of practice, Adib probably made the least mistakes, even if he did, I wouldnt remember any.
Although there was one time when ya hyper hantap and thumban stick!
Then of course, the elder bro,
Huzaimi The Guitarist

Well here d kampong, he's known as 'Mie' or 'Si Awang' :p
There really is no secret to him, he's been playing guitar wayback in his teens and he just keeps getting better and better.
With 4th August looking to expand their brand,
I really hope my brother and his band can roar Brunei :)
And Abang sang,
Lagu Kita - Aizat
Jiwang yawwww =p
Yes, Ive got your back you annoying arrogant proboscis monkey =p
Proboscis Monkey inda tahu?
*Hands you a borang.
Nah isi tia,
'nominees for the Dumbass of the Month award'
And now, we have the singers :D
There's two female singers.
First of,
Si Dibah Our Singer (apalagi kan =.=)

She has got an amazingly high voice and she really tries hard :)
She intended to sing:
Sekuntum Mawar Merah,
How Do I live,
I Will Survive
and ada lagi lupaku haha. Yatawah tinggi2 jwa tu!
But yeah she good :D
and then we have
Adib's sister
Si Mijah Penyanyi Kita ;p

Like Dibah, she's a good singer :D
and her songs:
and I forgot :(
But enough is enough, Ive saved the best for last!
HAHA AWU ah. Im not joking.
Okay okay hahaha joke =p
Siapa lagi kan? =p

Nasib nda kena gambar masaku makai seluar pendek saja HAHA ;p
With only a week ahead, I had to choose my songs carefully and I ended up with
2 Malay songs, 2 English songs and 1 Filipino song :D
Every Breath You Take,
Unchained Melody,
Pinoy Ako.
Thankfully, the lyrics were easy so had no problem memorizing them lyrics :D
Forgive us if we interrupted your dreams sweet charming neighbours :D
Owh and while we were playing, Mijah got a
Owh and while we were playing, Mijah got a
Kalau Counter Strike ne, mati sudah tu.
Kalau Call Of Duty ne, mati sudah tu.
Kalau DOTA ne, belum tantu lah pasal manatahu ada Aegis.
Owh crap weirdo eh :(
Owh and did I say it was just us?
Cause abang bawak a special guest ...
Your wrong.
Ehhh inda pernah lurus kamu ane ah,
aku saja yang lurus.
Im bored of being right saja~~~
We have
Brunei's First P2F Winner
Apparently, he's the mascot for Air SEHAT and STREPSILS.
Yatah like, he's got unlimited supplies of air Sehat and Strepsils to devour.
He's a really down to earth and helpful guy.
Basically, he's a friend of abang and abang bawak dia to help us out.
Owh and he's gonna sing
I swear,
Dahil Mahal,
Belaian Jiwa.
Honestly, when he told me to sing directly infront of him and then do it acapella, I was a bit nervy.
However, makin lama, he just became a spunky annoying English Teacher like my brother =p and it was easy to open my voice up to him.
and his voice ....
I am still way, way far from that level but its a challenge and Taurus Tiger's never back down :D
Belatih vocals tah ku ne :D

And these guys, even after listening Zulf sing, wait rephrase, Zulf sing like tiger, these guys werent even rocked.

And these guys, even after listening Zulf sing, wait rephrase, Zulf sing like tiger, these guys werent even rocked.
I guess that shows how composed experienced these dudes are.
Owh almost forgot!
Adib and Jul are in a band called
K2G - It's a generation to generation band dating back from 1982.
Its more or less like a football club, ada elites and back up, benchwarmers! HAHA awu Im serious.
But Adib and Jul are now the top performers for K2G.
They specialise in GAMBUS-es usually for Weddings.
and their not playing,
from today on until April, they are booked every week to perform multiple songs - usually pop and dangdut - popdut =p
and after all that ...
We are ...
Antahhh haha belum bnama =p
But nevertheless, we were performing for the very first and last time so it doesnt matter :D
and btw, FYI,
we have already performed =p
Im just telling you our build up to it :D
I miss yaw'all cousins! :'D